How are Soul paintings created?
Marie-Louise establishes a connection to the person commissioning the painting through a personal meeting, telephone conversation or Skype videoconference. This allows her to connect to the person’s energy.
Following this meeting, she uses the resonance established by this connection in the creation of the soul painting.
Once ready to begin, Marie-Louise goes deep within her sacred heart and calls her spiritual guides and those of the person concerned. She chooses a healing music that will soak into the painting.
She lets the energies flow freely to insure that what is transmitted truly corresponds to the energies that the person must receive and to what will allow them to reveal themselves.
Please note that these paintings are made through channelling (spiritual guidance), which means that Marie-Louise doesn’t know the outcome. It is therefore not possible to choose a particular colour or pattern.
Once the painting is complete, Marie-Louise will pass over anything used to build the contact. This is a moment of energy relaxation and gratitude.